
The energy that crystals contain and their influence on humans is something that is physically detected and used in our world today. The very computer that you are using to read this is powered by crystal energy. Crystals pulsate with energy and so do we.

We are made up of liquid minerals that have electro-magnetic charges. Every human has an energy field quite similar to the way Earth has an energy field that shields us from outside energetic influences. Consider it our personal space, mental headspace, vibrational flow, or Aura. The Scientific term is Human Crystalline Electro-Magnetic Field (or CEF). Certain energies can overpower and wear our energetic field down over time. Examples of this are things like computers which emit ELF frequencies that do affect us. The same with cell phones, microwaves, etc. There is air travel, SUBA diving, which disrupts our body’s regulation of organs, glands, etc. Also are the emotional disruptions such as constant conflict with others, daily stress, negative unconscious thought patterns, etc. These can create and is what crystal healers call cracks or breaks in your aura. You will find this to manifest in feelings of depression, insomnia, anxiety, controlling behavior, anger, all consuming thoughts, and also the development of bad habits. The use of crystal energy is a great tool to help you to recharge your CEF. The way that crystals work is by equalizing its vibrational field with yours so if you sense a disrupt or balance shift in your life you can work with a crystal that has a vibration that works to equalize that shift back in place.

Programming Your Gems

Many people say that crystals are alive and depending on what you believe constitutes as living then they might very well fit the bill. They are huge repositories of memory. The quartz in your computer shows that to be quite the truth. Everything that a crystal comes in contact with  is placed into its memory bank from the time it was conceived, mined and then passed down to you so it is important that when using a crystal that you first clear it, then program it with your intent.

Methods of clearing are simple and the general rule for clearing is; crystals carried daily should be cleansed daily, tool crystals after every use and environmental crystals around once a month.

Fire – Pass the gem through a flame or candle while envisioning the unwanted energy being burned out.

Smudge – Pass through white sage or any incense whose purpose is for removing and purifying and envision the energy floating away.

Water – Rinse in moving water (preferably natural spring or rain) and envision the energy flowing back into the Earth.

Sound – Use a bell, chime or tuning fork repeatedly until you sense the energy is cleansed.

For more in depth or first time clearing place in moonlight overnight or sunlight (BEWARE the sun bleaches some crystals) for an hour. Place stone in a bag and swim in the ocean ( DO NOT use on soft stones, they will dissolve. Also please make sure the crystal doesn’t get lost in the ocean)

Methods for programing should be done after clearing the crystal. Place the gem in your left hand until you can feel it’s energy, focus your intent and visualize your desires. Then place the crystal in your right hand and turn your vision into energy which will move from your left hand through your entire body then down into the crystal. You can also use the breath method which is to hold the crystal to your heart on an inhale then to your mouth on an exhale. Repeat this several times while focusing on an intent and visualizing your desires. Stop when you feel the crystal has been energized.